Beech Avenue Elementary School

Message From Our Principal

  • Dear Beech Avenue Families,


    Welcome back to a brand new school year filled with excitement, growth, and celebration! I am thrilled to have you and your child(ren) join us as a part of our school community for the 2023-2024 academic year. Whether you are new to our school, or returning, we welcome the opportunity to serve you.


    As we embark on this journey together, let us take a moment to celebrate the incredible resilience and determination demonstrated by our students, families, and staff over the past several years. Despite the challenges we faced, we persevered and emerged stronger than ever. This year, we will continue to celebrate not only our successes, but also the joy of learning, the power of community, and the potential within each and every child.


    Character Counts at Beech Avenue Elementary, and we strive to ensure that each of us becomes a better version of ourselves every day. We teach, practice, and model the Six Pillars of Character so that we can all be TeRRFiCC (Trustworthy, Respectful, Responsible, Fair, Caring, and Great Citizens!)


    Throughout the year, we have planned a variety of events and activities that will not only engage and challenge our students academically, but also provide opportunities for celebration. From themed spirit weeks and talent shows to community service projects and cultural festivals, we aim to foster a sense of belonging and unity within our school community. We believe that by celebrating our diversity and achievements, we create an inclusive and empowering environment for all.


    We value the partnership between home and school, and we encourage you to actively participate in your child's education. Whether it's attending parent-teacher conferences, volunteering in the classroom, or joining our PTSA, your involvement plays a vital role in your child's success.


    As we embark on this new chapter together, let us embrace the spirit of celebration, embracing every milestone, big or small. We are excited to witness the growth and achievements of your children and to celebrate their individual talents and accomplishments.


    Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. We look forward to a year filled with joy, learning, and celebration. My door is always open, so please don’t hesitate to make an appointment to share your input.


    Warmest regards,


    Michele L. Mower

    Principal, Beech Avenue Elementary




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