• History

    In 1997, School Police Officer Cindy Evaro (who passed away in 2014), FUSD CWA Liaison Lydia Salazar Wibert, and the School Police Department learned about a boy who ran away from home after Christmas because he did not receive any presents.  Since then, the program has grown and delivered thousands of toys and gifts to students in need throughout FUSD and the community.  Your support, donations, and volunteerism support Fontana Santa’s and keep Cindy’s spirit alive.  

    Donation Information and Letter

    If you would like to donate toys, gifts, or volunteer, visit our website for more information at www.fusd.net or contact the Fontana School Police Department (Beulah Plata) at 909-357-5000 ext. 29570.  Donations such as gifts or toys can be made at each of our school sites during November and December.  

    Fontana Santas 2022 Donation Letter

    Volunteer Information

    If you or your organization would like to volunteer, please contact Beulah Plata at 909-357-5000 ext. 29570, PlatBE@fusd.net or fill out the volunteer form.