    1. Meet with your school counselor

      1. Review your four-year plan and make sure you are taking the most challenging courses you can.

    1. The PSAT and SAT subject tests

      1. The PSAT is usually taken in the eleventh grade, but it may be offered in the tenth grade. The PSAT provides feedback on the Student Score Report so that students can work on any disclosed weaknesses while there is still plenty of time to improve them.

      2. Subject Tests are no longer required by University of California, but are still recommended for impacted programs.

    1. Interested in a U.S. military academy?

      1. If so, you should request a pre-candidate questionnaire and complete it.

    1. Get involved

      1. Extracurricular activities help you develop time-management skills and enrich your school experience.

      2. Colleges would rather see real involvement in one activity than a loose connection to several activities.

      3. Volunteering is a great way to get involved in your community. Here are some helpful web sites to get you started:;;;

    5. Explore colleges/careers

      1. Attend college and career fairs—these take place in fall.

      2. Tour college campuses—Take advantage of vacation or other family travel to visit colleges and see what they’re like. Even if there is no interest in attending the college you are visiting, it may help you learn what you want in a college.

      3. Check out online career search websites like or Take advantage of the “interest profiler” to match your interests to possible careers.


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Grade Level Presentations: 10th Grade (Grades Matter)

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