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Waste Recycling Program
In accordance with new state and local recycling programs, Fontana Unified School District has added the recycling of organic waste to its recycling program, which currently includes plastic, aluminum, and cardboard. As you know, the FUSD Food Services offers free meals for breakfast, lunch, and supper. Beginning October 1, 2023, the recycling of these items will be practiced during each meal with the introduction of brown organic recycling bins.
For more information about the FUSD Recycling Waste Program click on the resources below.
Recycling Program FAQs
What goes in the Brown Recycle Bin?
Brown = Food Organics
- All unfinished food scraps from breakfast, lunch, and supper meals.
- examples include: sandwiches, eggs, fruit peels, egg shells, vegetables, etc.
- This does not include liquids: Soiled paper napkins and paper/carboard food trays acceptable (as of January 2024).
- All unfinished food scraps from breakfast, lunch, and supper meals.
What goes in the Blue Recycle Bin?
Blue = Recyclables
- All empty glass, plastic, cartons, and aluminum containers
- disposable drink bottles, cans, cardboard milk cartons, etc.
- This does not include liquids, food packaging or wrappers.
- All empty glass, plastic, cartons, and aluminum containers
What goes in the Gray Trash Bin?
Gray = Landfill Waste
- All other waste will be placed in the gray trash bins.
- Examples include food wrappers, utensils, juice pouches, snack bags, foil, etc.
- Does not include liquids.
- All other waste will be placed in the gray trash bins.
Where do we empty left over liquids?
There will be a separate receptacle near the recycle bins where left over liquids/drinks can be emptied before the containers are disposed of.
Why is FUSD implementing the new recycling program?
In order to promote improved waste mitigation, California legislation has passed the following regulations:
- AB939 - California Integrated Waste Management Act
- AB341 - Mandatory Commercial Recycling
- AB1826 - Organic Waste
- SB138 - Short Lived Pollutants
FUSD will be following this new plan in coordination with these regulations.