- Henry J. Kaiser High School (hs)
- Annual Update Forms
Steps to Complete the Annual Update Forms on Parentsquare
Parents/guardians must have a registered ParentSquare account to complete the Annual Update Forms. Once logged in, parents/guardians can begin the process to complete the Annual Update Forms for any student in their household. Reach out to the Help Desk at (909) 357-7630 for assistance with submitting the forms. (If there are multiple students in a household, this process must be completed for each student.)
Login or register for ParentSquare: Sign In | ParentSquare (Be sure to check the spam folder in your email if you do not receive a code when registering or resetting your password.)
*It takes 24 hours for information to be updated in the system and show up on students' records. Forms submitted before 4:00 PM will be updated the next school day.
Importance of completing the Annual Update Forms
These annual forms allow students to access/login to their student laptop as well as use district approved programs. Each year students will lose access to their Microsoft Office 356 account after July 1 if these forms are not updated for the new school year.
- Student Acceptable Use Agreement (SAUA) & Laptop Form: Provides an active computer login and Office 365 account
- Annual Parent Notification: Provides access to online programs in ClassLink
Video Tutorial Click Here