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Best Websites for Teaching and Learning
Free version - up to 3 mind maps, export as an image and embed as html, share mind map.
Paid version - $72 a year/$6 month. unlimited mind maps, attach images and files, create backups. -
Free version - use any templates or create yours from scratch. Save and export as image. Has a large library of objects and icons, set as private or public. Share link or embed.
Glogster: interactive presentation poster
Free version – includes templates, able to create a complete glog. Must personally share the link to the glog for people to view it. May print, or embed glog using html.
Teacher account, plus 125 students for $95 a year. Teacher can see all accounts and projects submitted by students in his/her class, making grading easier.
Set up your classes and give students a code. Access and assign multiple articles each day at 5 different reading levels. Close reading material, promotes critical thinking.
PRO version - get a free trial. Assessment data available, track students and connect articles with CC standards, annotate articles, access data reports. Must contact rep for pricing information.
Powtoon: animated video/slide show
Free version – up to 5 minute video or slideshow, 10 free music styles, variety of templates. May share link to show on or upload to youtube.
Can't download or embed, Teacher upgrade $24 a year, able to embed, download and create longer videos/slideshows. Free version suffices for students
Smore: interactive flyer/newsletter page
Free version - 5 flyer credits. Able to add text, audio, calendar, links, photos, video. Use given URL, able to embed flyer/newsletter/project.
Teacher account $39 a year which includes custom URL, better editing tools, unlimited flyers, able to privatize, custom backgrounds.
Free version – bookmark resources visually, share link, embed webmix.
Paid version starts at $10– customize your domain, create multiple webmixes, brand logo, filter content.
TEDEd allows educators to create and share lessons built around YouTube videos. The embedded lesson creator allows users to 1) FIND video content through an integrated search panel, 2) SELECT a video or lesson to be customized, and 3) FLIP a video by adding questions, notes, and content. The TEDEd library is continually growing and is searchable and browsable by series and subject. Grades K-12.
Tip: The best lessons are curated by volunteer teachers and TEDEd and compiled under the Best Flips tab. If you're looking for teaching inspiration, look no further!
Free – create a class code, have students join. Post important dates, add bookmarks, have real time discussion, collaborate on problems. Pin discussion post, have students reply.No paid version, but you are encouraged to make a $12.00 a year donation, if you'd like. Not required.
Free – no log-in needed, java has to be updated for it to work. Take a screen shot to save and covert your wordle to a .jpg file.
No paid version.
Digital Storytelling Tools
Digital Storytelling is the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories as with traditional storytelling, most digital stories focus on a specific topic and contain a particular point of view. However, as the name implies, digtial stories usually contain some mixture of computer-based images, text, recorded audio narration, video clips and/or music. Digitial stories can vary in length, but most of the stories used in education typically last between two and ten minutes.
Digital Story Telling Links
Animoto (online)
- Timed
- Upload photos
- Video
- No Voice
- Upload music or pick from their music library
- Can be shared, downloaded, publish to social media, and emailed
- Students can create an account based off of their email
Storybird (online)
- Not Timed
- No photos, must use storybird artwork
- No Video
- No Voice
- No music
- Can be shared via email
- Students can create an account based off of their email
Windows Photo Story 3
Located on the computers in the library:
- Not Timed
- Upload photos
- Video
- No Voice
- Upload your own music or choose music from their library
- Can be shared; emailed or downloaded
- It has built in simple photo editing, add text, and photo effects