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- Fontana Unified School District
- Purchasing
The Purchasing department oversees purchasing of all supplies, materials, equipment, and services necessary for the FUSD schools and departments to operate. It is their goal to obtain the best product quality, price and delivery through a cooperative effort between buyers and suppliers.
Purchasing is Comprised of:
Warehouse (909) 357-5000, ext. 29534
Carlos Velasquez, Supervisor - Warehouse
Online Resources:
Department Contacts:
Purchasing (909) 357-5000, ext. 29017
Shamica R. Nance, Senior Director (909) 357-5000, ext. 29023 Nikki McCoy, Purchasing Secretary (909) 357-5000, ext. 29020 Brandy Cuttress, Senior Buyer (909) 357-5000, ext. 29021 Matthew Rudoll, Buyer (909) 357-5000, ext. 29016 Monique Farrugia, Buyer (909) 357-5000, ext. 29019 Tracie Reading, Buyer (909) 357-5000, ext. 29018 Jessica Figueroa-Ochoa, Purchasing Clerk (A-D) (909) 357-5000, ext. 29012 Stephanie Lopez, Purchasing Clerk (E-N) (909) 357-5000, ext. 29034 Jaimie Hernandez, Purchasing Clerk (O-Z) (909) 357-5000, ext. 29398 Norma Reyes, Buyer (909) 357-5000, ext. 29022