• Notice inviting licensed contractorsElectronic Pre-qualification Tool

    To comply with California Assembly Bill AB 2031, Fontana Unified School District requires General Contractors and Subcontractors to be prequalified on all Bond Construction Contracts.

    To become prequalified, applications must be submitted to PQBids is an easy to use web-based application that streamlines the new Department of Industrial Relations pre-qualification process.

    Contractors can apply for or renew prequalification online by going to . Required information includes but is not limited to: completing the safety questionnaire, company history, references, insurance certificates, bonding documents, and financial statements.

    The district purchases equipment, supplies and services using competitive bidding when required by law and in accordance with statutory requirements for bidding and bidding procedures.  In those circumstances where the law does not require competitive bidding, the Governing Board may still request that a contract be competitively bid if the Board determines that it is in the best interest of the district to do so.  Additionally, the Board may piggyback onto the contract of another public agency or corporation to lease or purchase equipment or supplies to the extent authorized by law.  (Board Policy 3311)

    Prequalification status can be viewed on the PQ Bids website.

    Link to list of Prequalified Contractors:

    Formal Bid Limits

    • Equipment/Supplies/Services = $114,800* (excluding instructional aids, textbooks, etc.)
    • Public Works = $75,000** (most construction projects, stand-alone marquees, etc.)

    *  Changes in January each year
    ** Uniform Construction Cost Accounting procedures

    Bid Forms

    Uniform Cost Accounting Procedure:  Request for Inclusion on Qualified Contractor List

    Current Notices Inviting Bids

    Click here to view a list of our current Notices Inviting Bids.

    Notice Inviting licensed contractors to be included in the District’s list of qualified bidders of calendar year 2025.