Athletic Clearance & Eligibility

  • Would you like to participate in J Hills Athletics? 

     All items are links that you can click on for more information. 


    1) Athletic Clearance Online Account

    Every student needs to have an online athletic clearance account renewed for every school year you participate in Athletics. This account needs to be fully completed with all parent information, parent/student waivers electronically signed and physical AND insurance card (for proof of insurance) uploaded. Click here for the instructions on how to complete the online account.

       Click here for the: Athletic Clearance Website


    2) Sports Physical

    Every student must have a sports physical completed on or after May 1st of the current school year. The physical must be signed and stamped by your doctor. The sports physical is to be turned in only by uploading to your Athletic Clearance account.  


     These items will be required even to try out for any sports. 


    *Please note, every student must have medical insurance to participate. If you do not have medical insurance, an insurance plan can be purchased through Jurupa Hills High School. Please CLICK HERE to visit the website. Those students who are playing football and have to purchase insurance MUST purchase the TACKLE FOOTBALL ACCIDENT PLAN. This plan does not carry over to other sports.


    Once your name is placed on the team roster, your team will meet with the Athletic Trainer, Joe Rivas to go over any additional CIF forms. These forms will go home with the student for parent signatures and will need to be returned back to Joe in order for participation. 

Sports Offered at J Hills

  • Fall: Cross Country, Girls Tennis, Football, Volleyball, Girls Flag Football

    Winter: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer

    Spring: Baseball, Boys Tennis, Softball, Track and Field

    Check their individual sport website for further information....