Soaring SkyHawks in Action

Students Needing Work Permits
Work Permits
If you need a work permit, please click here: Work Permit Application Request Form
Once the work permit application is completed, you will need to send the work permit application to the work permit office through your student e-mail to be issued a work permit. Any current work permits that have been issued during the school year do not expire until 5 days after the start of the new school year If you leave your employment and get hired at another business, you must start the process over to be issued a work permit by the new employer. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail through your student e-mail to: WorkPermits@fusd.net.
Request a Summit High Transcript

ASB Events Refund Request Form
Below is the link to request refunds for ASB events for the 2022 - 2023 school year.
Summit H.S. is an A.P. Capstone School!
We are excited that Summit H.S. is an AP Capstone school! AP Capstone is a diploma program based on two yearlong AP courses: AP Seminar and AP Research. These courses are designed to complement other AP courses that the AP Capstone student may take.
Instead of teaching specific subject knowledge, AP Seminars and AP Research use an interdisciplinary approach to develop the critical thinking, research, collaboration, time management, and presentation skills students need for college-level work.
The College Board developed the AP Capstone Diploma program at the request of higher education professionals, who saw a need for a systematic way for high school students to begin mastering these skills before college.
For more information regarding Summit's new AP Diploma Program, please (Click Here to email Mr. Preciado).
Summit High School Mid Cycle WASC Report 2019 - 2020