- FUSD COVID-19 Updates
- Contact Tracing Proceedure

Rastreo de Contactos - Espanol
Over the past week there have been a number of positive COVID-19 cases reported among students and employees at our schools. If your school was affected, you were sent a letter notifying you of this potential exposure at your school site. As stated in the letter, this does not mean that your student has been directly exposed, we are notifying you so that you can take further precautions to monitor your student for any signs of illness. If your student has been in direct contact, defined as being within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more with a person who tested positive, you will be notified with a second letter explaining what your next steps are to clear your student to return to school.
Below you will find a sample of the letters being sent out.
School-Wide Notification Letter
School Notice of Exposure - English
Aviso de exposition para toda la escuela - Espanol
2nd Communication - Close Contact Letter
Possible Close Contact Notice - English
Aviso de posible contacto cercano - Espanol