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Scored a 5 on AP test
  • AP Highlights:

    AP Capstone: AP Seminar *NEW

    Arts: Art History, Music Theory, Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio, Studio Art: 2D Design Portfolio, Studio Art: 3D Design Portfolio

    English: English Language and Composition (11th grade), English Literature and Composition (12th grade)

    History and Social Sciences: Human Geography, Psychology, United States Government and Politics, United States History, World History

    Mathematics and Computer Sciences: Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Computer Science A, Computer Science Principles, Statistics

    Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics 1: Algebra-based

    World Languages: French Language and Culture, Spanish Language and Culture, Spanish Literature and Culture


    • Last year Summit had 85 AP Scholars
    • 23 with Honor
    • 28 with Distinction
    • 2 National
    • 1 International Diploma
    • In 2019-2020, 779 students took 1,273 AP tests
    • This year (2020-2021), 880 students will take 1,650 AP tests



    AP Coordinator: Ms. Tedder