Title 1 Funding

  • Citrus Elementary School is receiving $60,715 in Title 1 funding for the 2020-21 school year. Title 1 funding is provided by the Federal government to help students achieve academic standards. A portion of this funding is reserved to facilitate parent communication with the school. We believe parents are an essential ingredient in student success.
    Attached to this page is a draft of our 20-21 Title 1 Family Engagement Policy, which describes how we will keep parents informed of their child's progress. Also, attached is a draft of out Citrus Home School Compact, which describe the specific roles that teachers, students, and parents play in education. Please review these documents and email any recommendations for additions or changes to our principal at michael.mcgirr@fusd.net. The Citrus Elementary School Site Council will review all recommendations and finalize both documents during our meeting on October 21, 2020.
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