Counselor's Corner
School Counseling Services
In order to support student academic, college and career readiness and social - emotional development and to help students reach their fullest potential, the South Tamarind Elementary is offering school counseling support services. Students may recieve interventions in one or more of the following areas;
- Motivation
- Behavior
- Decision Making
- Attendance
- Goal Setting
- Personal/Social Skills
The Counselor's goal is to eleminate the barriers that are impending academic success. Students may be seen on an individual, group, or monitoring (check-in) basis. All information shared by school counseling group memebers is kept confidential except in certain situations in which there is an ethical responsibility to limit confidentiality. I look foward to helping your student work towards academic success and believe these interventions will support your student's achievement.
If you have further questions, please contact me at (909)357-5760 ext. 70362 at South Tamarind Elementary School or by email at