- Fontana Unified School District
- Every student successful
2021-2022 FUSD School Year Update
July 17, 2021
Welcome Back Fontana Unified School District Families,
The first day of school is Friday, August 6, 2021. Students will return to a five-day-a-week in-person instructional model. A full-day kindergarten model will be offered at all district schools starting October 25, 2021, but will start off as a half-day morning program.
New to the Fontana Unified School District this school year is the ACCESS (Actively, Creating, Connections, Ensuring, Student Success) program. ACCESS is meant to meet the needs of students seeking to remain in an online learning environment but needing a higher level of teacher support. It is an Independent Study program that offers live, synchronous instruction in a digital classroom. Students in the ACCESS program will mirror a traditional school day and are expected to be actively engaged online during the program hours five days a week.
All students in grades K-12 are eligible for the ACCESS program, including English Learners and Students with Disabilities. Necessary accommodations will be discussed upon enrollment. Regarding our Students with Disabilities, an Individual Education Program (IEP) meeting will be held to review the student’s provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) prior to enrolling to determine the appropriate placement options. For more information about the ACCESS program, please visit www.fusd.net/access.
If you are interested in enrolling in the ACCESS program, please fill out an Intra District Transfer. Transfers are submitted online at https://forms.office.com/r/dgQ6w2iFsW District staff will be in contact upon receipt to discuss in further detail policies and expectations of the program. Please note that your student will not be officially enrolled in the program until the district has finalized enrollment with you, therefore your student should attend school in-person until the process has been completed.
Should you have any further questions regarding ACCESS, please do not hesitate to contact our Family and Community Engagement (FACE) team at (909) 357-5000 EXT 29409.
We will continue to offer the Virtual Learning Program (VLP). VLP is geared towards meeting the needs of students that are self-guided, independent learners. Students enrolled in VLP will still be part of their home school, meaning they will continue to be able to participate in athletics and other student activities. Students who are a part of the VLP can take all or some of their classes online. For more information on VLP, please visit www.fusd.net/VLP or call (909) 357-5000 EXT 29577.
A conference between District staff, parent, and student will occur prior to enrollment into either of the programs. Any student that is enrolled in either program has the right to return to in-person instruction at their school of residence within five days of the request.
Fontana Unified School District